[Gelöst]Event code:3005: An unhandled exception has occurred

18. März 2014 11:27

Moin zusammen, hatte schon jemand diese Warnung ?

Exception information:
Exception type: CrmException
Exception message: INVALID_WRPC_TOKEN: Validate WRPC Token: WRPCTokenState=Invalid, TOKEN_EXPIRY=4320, IGNORE_TOKEN=False

Hab ein Fix gefunden...


The fundamental problem is that CRM 2011 now expects additional parameters on the query string that contain a Token

Fix :-

We can disable the CRM token checks via Registry change.
Create a DWORD registry key named IgnoreTokenCheck under “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSCRM” and set the value to 1,
Recycle the CrmAppPool application pool for the change to take effect (or) restart machine

Was wären die auswirkungen ?
Zuletzt geändert von TheBad am 19. März 2014 10:49, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Re: Event code: 3005 : An unhandled exception has occurred

18. März 2014 11:49

Hallo Daniel,

das habe ich dazu gefunden:

Another MVP that wants to be unnamed for now had this to say about it.

I think I’ll restrict my answer to this audience for now, as I have a tendency to get into trouble when blogging about this registry value.

The token checks are designed as a protection against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. The general idea is that CRM will generate a new token when you submit an initial request (e.g. opening a form), when you save the data, the client code will send the token along with any data to update, and the server will check the token to see if it’s valid. There are a couple of schools of thought on the necessity of this:
1.1. One view is that, in a well-designed system like CRM, data modification can only occur via the POST method (and not a GET – i.e. you don’t modify data solely by passing information on the query string). Internet Explorer security settings will not allow cross-site POSTs. As a result, you would only be subject to a CSRF attack via a successful cross-site scripting (XSS) exploit. And if you are suffering an XSS exploit, you’ve got bigger problems than worrying about a CSRF. So, token checks don’t really make a difference, and can be disabled
2.2. The other view is that you should always defend in depth when it comes to application security. So, even though other security mechanism should make the token defence redundant, you still implement it anyway

Re: Event code: 3005 : An unhandled exception has occurred

18. März 2014 11:55

Hallo Michael, danke. Was würdest du empfehlen ?

Re: Event code: 3005 : An unhandled exception has occurred

18. März 2014 13:49

Wenn es ein CRM System ist, das nicht über IFD erreicht werden kann würde ich den Key setzen.

Aber letztendlich muss das der Kunde bzw. sein Administrator entscheiden.

Re: Event code: 3005 : An unhandled exception has occurred

19. März 2014 10:48

Hallo Michael danke. doch läuft über IFD, danke.