[gelöst] RU10 QuickFind Error

22. August 2012 17:07


habe heute von RU5 über RU6 auf RU10 unsere Testumgebunge geupdated. Nun habe ich bei Accounts den Fehler das wenn man im QuickFind was eingibt ein Fehler (Generic SQL Fehler) hochkommt. Diagtool angeschmissen und folgendes bekommen:
Inner Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid column name 'AccountId'.

bei der Query:
WITH __QuickFind__ as (select top 10001 [AccountId] from (
SELECT "account0".[ParentId] from [CustomerAddressBase] as "account0" where ("account0".Line1 like 'test%' and "account0".AddressNumber = 1 and "account0".ObjectTypeCode = 1) OR ("account0".City like 'test%' and "account0".AddressNumber = 1 and "account0".ObjectTypeCode = 1) UNION
SELECT "account0".[AccountId] from [AccountBase] as "account0" where ("account0".EMailAddress1 like 'test%') OR ("account0".Name like 'test%') UNION
SELECT "account0".[AccountId] from [AccountExtensionBase] as "account0" where ("account0".New_DebitorNumber like 'test%') UNION
SELECT "account0".[AccountId] from [AccountBase] as "account0" where "account0".ParentAccountId in (select [AccountId] from [AccountBase] as "account0" where "account0".Name like 'test%')) as [__QuickFindInternal__])select
top 251 "account0".Name as "name"
, "account0".Address1_City as "address1_city"
, "account0".Address1_Line1 as "address1_line1"
, "account0".New_address1_country as "new_address1_country"
, "account0".ParentAccountId as "parentaccountid"
, "account0".Address1_PostalCode as "address1_postalcode"
, "account0".new_industrycodeid as "new_industrycodeid"
, "account0".New_DebitorNumber as "new_debitornumber"
, "account0".WebSiteURL as "websiteurl"
, "account0".AccountId as "accountid"
, "account0".ParentAccountIdYomiName as "parentaccountidyominame"
, "account0".ParentAccountIdName as "parentaccountidname"
, "account0".new_industrycodeidName as "new_industrycodeidname"
, case when (select COUNT(*) from [__QuickFind__]) = 10001 then 1 else 0 end as [__QuickFindLimitValue__]
Account as "account0" (NOLOCK)
[account0].[AccountId] in (select [AccountId] from [__QuickFind__]) and ((((("account0".StatusCode != 2 or "account0".StatusCode is null))))) order by
"account0".Name asc
, "account0".AccountId asc

Jemand eine Idee was da schiefgelaufen ist? Nach RU6 war noch alles ok, nach RU10 dann der Fehler.
Andere Quickfinds die ich getestet habe (z.B.: Contacts, opportunities etc.) laufen korrekt.
Zuletzt geändert von Roxxinger am 22. August 2012 17:32, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Re: RU10 QuickFind Error

22. August 2012 17:32

ok, scheint am Flag "EnableQuickFindOptimization" wenn das enabled ist, gibts den Fehler, also erstmal disabled und dann gehts. Morgen dann mal mit den ganzen neuen Optionen beschäftigen und den PerformanceLeitfaden durcharbeiten :)